Faces of Kabul:
The power of photography to create empathy in times of conflict
Faces of Kabul is a project produced by Nick Sidle, Highland-based photographer and writer. It tells a story of the people of Kabul and the surrounding areas, in Afghanistan and, through photography, helps us to remember and empathise with the human story behind conflict and tragedy.
All images on this page are credited to the photographer, Nick Sidle.
In the early months of 2002, Nick was given ‘special access’ to tell a visual story of Afghanistan in the early months after 9/11.
One of the first photographers to be given this access, Nick was ‘embedded’ with the soldiers of 1 Royal Anglian, who formed the British contingent of the International Security Assistance Force whose role was as a peacekeeping mission at that time.
In following the soldiers in their role, Nick was able to capture ordinary life for the men, women and children of Afghanistan in a period of intense social change as well as the work of western forces.
This included, for example, the rebuilding of homes, de-mining the landscape and seeing girls go to school for the first time in years. It was a story of hope, resilience and reflected an optimism about the future, all told through the creative medium of photography.
In 2020, Nick produced a new exhibition, re-visiting this story with the purpose of presenting this in 2021, marking the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Of course, no-one could have foreseen the historic events which have subsequently unfolded in Afghanistan and which have make Nick’s photography so timely and relevant.
This project tells a human story of Afghanistan, with a reminder that beyond the politics and conflict, we must never forget the lives of ordinary people. It is a moving story told through the power of images, and one which takes us into a world we may have seen in media coverage but helps us gain a new perspective, through creative use of photography.